Author Archives: Cheryl

Why Interior Design?

April 15, 2016 Blog Comments Off on Why Interior Design?

WhyDesigning interiors was not a passion for me as a child or a career that I aspired to have in my early adult years. Designing came much later, more so as a relaxing hobby.  HGTV  broadened my knowledge about design and design projects and I watched one show after the other.  I believed after my children completed college, married and began families of their own would be the best time for me to go back to school for interior design degree. Instead, my interest to learn peaked after my family and I had to rebuild after our home was burglarized and set on fire.

Our community came together on our behalf to insure we had resources and needs met to move beyond the shock and concerns that we experienced. Neighbors, friends, co-workers, managers, and church family stopped by and stood with us as we watched the fire department extinguish the fire. One neighbor gave us a gift certificate for dinner that evening. Another neighbor, after arriving home stopped by to shop with us  because all we had was what we wore.  It was hard for me to walk away from the burning house and my husband who was coordinating our lodging and immediate concerns. I had to switch gears because  our lives would continue and our neighbor’s  wisdom and motherly sternness help our family to take our next steps. We shopped and it seemed that money was not a concern for her because her focus was helping us to get beyond the devastation and loss. She purchased clothes and toiletries for the week and I am ever so grateful for her generosity and love and the many others that touched our lives in those moments.

Well, it was time to build.  Equipped with  an architect, a  general contractor,  house plans and a budget, we were  off to the stores to select the finishes. The expression “necessity is the mother of creation,” resonated in me, as I walked through the process of selecting color palettes, materials, furniture and fixtures. I traveled with my finishes, and materials to insure the flow from one room to the next would be possible. Every selection was intentional and cohesive. As each contractor completed their portion and the finishes were installed we walked through our new home with a punch list to finalize it all. I gained confidence that I could indeed do the work of an interior designer. The process was enjoyable to me.

I knew others were building custom homes and did not have the time to shop for their finishes. The idea of shopping for others, or decorating their homes room by room was exciting to me. I desired to go to school to learn the rules, and hone my skills as a designer and I did. The more I learned the more I realized that design was not limited to residential spaces but it included, commercial, corporate and hospitality.  Several years later, I completed my interior design program.  I certainly thrive in designing solutions for my clients and myself.